Sunday, January 6, 2008

A Tail To Wag

My name is Joey. I’m an American Foxhound and I’ve got a tail to wag. It’s a simple tail, white and brownish-orange; that is, a tale about CoolZips® zipper pulls and how to get that one-in-a-million idea mass-produced and to market without chasing yourself in circles.

I’m 8 in people years; 56 in dog years. I don’t know who came up with this natural life conversion and I’d be lying to you if I said that I understood it. All I know is that, at my age, everyone expects some supernatural insight or wisdom to magically appear. Maybe they’re right. Maybe I do have something to share to make it easier on the new pups that come along. While it may look like I sleep 22 hours a day, I eavesdrop and take it all in: Trademarks, Domain Names, Prototypes, Lead Testing. When it comes to business, my ears perk up.

Take a look at my picture. I’ve been told that it’s not only a face that a mother could love, but a face that one can trust. Anyway, settle into your fleece doggy bed or favorite comfy chair, tilt your head and perk up your ears, because here’s my account on how to get your product ready for store shelves in record time.